Homam being done at Yagasala
Ganapathy Homam is the best solution to overcome all the hurdles in life.It provides a soothing effect to the mind as well as the body.It purifies the environment. By performing Ganapathy homam every month on birth star day, those who are under the grip of KETHU,overcome all the difficulties.This homam is performed before all other Homams. SERVICE CHARGES: $15.5 [RS. 1000]
THILA HOMAM Very famous for Pithru Karyiam (Oblations for the departed souls)every body who lives as per Hindu Way of life should do Panch yanjanm Prithu Yanjam in one of that . it is being done on every year for deaprted soul. Once we do this our forfathers will bless in all means .so many people follows this will benefited with timely kids, job, Marriage,happiness in the life . so better we must do the this yagam for departed soul. we arrange the same at Sri Parasurama Temple where three rivers joins and flowing to Sea. It is believe that, the great Monk Sri Adi Shankara done his mother’s Pithur Karyiam at this place. this pooja will inculde the Thila Homam, Pushpanjalai to Lord Parsurama( incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu) Palpayasam samarpnam and Annadhanam. Service charges Rs 2800 usd 41.000 For Payment |
Mrithyumjaya Homam helps to mitigate the dangers to life due to accidents and serious illness. This also helps in removing evil effects of enemies( Sathru Dosha Nivarana). Basically ,Mrithyumjaya Homam is conducted with 7 item; Chamatha twigs, Peraal twigs, sesame, Karuka leaves, cow’s milk , . SERVICE CHARGES: $ 72 [RS. 6000] SRI LALITHA SAHASRANAMA HOMAM Lalitha Homam is performed for prosperity and to protect from fear . Fridays and Tuesdays are the auspicious for this Homam. SERVICE CHARGES: $36 [RS.3000] BILVA PATRA POOJA Using 1008 Bilva Patra leaves, Pushpanjali pooja will be performed to Lord Shivawith ShivaSahasranama, which glorifies Lord Paramashiva . This Pushpanjali Pooja is very effective. Our wishes will be fulfilled through his blessings. very effective for those who are waiting for or desiring to marry. Srimad Devi Bhaghavatham also proclaims that Sri Lakshmi Devi Herself performed this prayer to obtain the blessings from Lord Paramashiva for Her union with Lord Mahavishnu SERVICE CHARGES: $15 RS.1500 |
Navagraha Homam is performed to remove all the obstacles of life and to attain ‘Ayur, Arogya and Saukhyam’(longevity,health and happinness.Navagraha Homam is recommended for atonement of Navagraha Doshas Homa is performedafterconductingNavagraha Pooja .Nine varieties of flowers, nine cereals(Nava Dhanya),nine clothes( of different colours),and nine types of Naivedyams are used for Pooja. Each Graha is worshipped with a specified flower.For Homam nine types of Chamatas (twig) are sed.Giving auras of gifts to the deserving devotees follows Homam. SERVICE CHARGES: $85 [RS. 7000] DHANVANTHARI HOMAM
This Homam is dedicated to Sri Dhanvanthari Moorhty. This homam is very useful for curing serious diseases. and will bless with better health. SERVICE CHARGES: $72 [RS6000] SRI MOOKAMBIKA SAHASRA NAMA HOMAM Participate and have the blessings of the supreme power “ Sri Mookambika” .This goddess is being enchanted for Health, Wealth and Education more on Artistic talents. Sri Mookambika is proclaimed as combination of three cosmic powers Maha Kali , Maha lakshmi and Maha Saraswathi) $14 RS.1200] |
Sudarshana Homam is the best remedy (method) for avoidance and elimination of evil spirits in the house premises, workplaces and such other places and also for avoidanceof bad dreams. Saptadravyams –Kadaladi, mustard, sesame, Akshatham, Panchagavyam , melted ghee, Palpayasm- are offered to the holy fire. Besides , Nalppamaram, Erukku, Karuka, Illy, and Nelli twigs are used as offerings.According to Vedas Homam , an offer to fire. God, is an offer to SUN. This is to improve the energy level in the environment and to eliminate undesirable elements. SERVICE CHARGES: $72 [RS. 7000] SAMVADHA SOOKTHA GANAPATHY HOMAM
This Homam is performed to reunite a husband and wife who have been separated. During Sooktham Homam, the names and the stars of the husband and wife will be chanted for each mantra . Samvadha Sooktha Ganapathi Homam is also useful for Sathru Nigraham ( to remove the negative energy from the mind of an enemy) SERVICE CHARGES: $36 [RS.3000 |
To Overcome Problems Related to
Pregnancy and Child Birth
As a precaution we have to do all these steps. Using these three,
Homam, Yantra Dharanam(wearing) and Special prayer at special temple,
will result in wonders. Devotees experienced the special power of cosmic energy.
Santhana Gopala Homam
The great Santhana Gopala Mantra Chanting with Homam is very powerful
for getting a healthy child. This vaishnava Mantra will please the Great Planet
Jupiter too. (He is the Santhana Karaka as per Vedic Astrology)
. This is another reason for sudden result of early pregnancy.
Special Pooja at NAGARAJA Temple
This temple is Near at Nagercovil town and deity was very famous Snake God.
.Famous for Santhana Labthi Prayer other offerings are Noorum Palum, Milk and Turmeric Powder offering to the Snake God.
Special pooja at Garbharakshambika temple
The special Pooja and Pushpanjali at the Garbharakshambika temple
help to overcome problems related to pregnancy and childbirth.
Santhana Gopala Yantra
Further usage of Santhana Gopala Yantra . Yantra means a “talisman”, or “ Kavacha”
which, if prepared and created by a qualified person as well as utilized
under his specific instructions for fruitful results. This will help to gain the subject,
ie the object of desire or ambition for a Healthy child.